academic mobility, forms of academic mobility, exchange programs, professional development, intercultural cooperation.Abstract
The article is focused on the role of exchange programs in the professional development of higher education academics. Academic mobility is important for the personal and professional development of the academics, as it puts them in the conditions of analysis and resolution of life situations from the standpoint of their own and other cultures. Introduction. The domestic system of higher education is undergoing a path of renewal, aimed at the internationalization of higher education and cultural integration of teachers from different countries, improving the quality of higher education according to international educational standards. The integration of Ukraine's higher education into the world educational space and the consequent development of international human capital exchanges need to be modernized, including the system of academic mobility in the higher education system. Every year, academic mobility expands the number of participants, both at the expense of domestic and foreign higher education institutions. This trend allows Ukraine to face global economic challenges on the one hand, and on the other hand, the human capital of people who see prospects for further work abroad is being lost. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of exchange programs in the professional development of a teacher of higher education Methods. Research methods. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used to solve the tasks. Theoretical: analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, comparison. Results. It was found that academic mobility is a productive opportunity for a high school teachers independently form their own educational trajectory within educational standards, choose educational and scientific areas according to their abilities, create joint international projects and research programs. We found that the main factors hindering the development of international activities of higher education and, in particular, the academic mobility of teachers are the following: limited financial resources of educational institutions; significant differences in curricula and programs in the Free Economic Zone of different countries; poor language training of most teachers and staff of the university; insufficient level of development of teacher mobility; lack of bilateral agreements between countries; low popularity of scientific works of university staff abroad, etc Originality. The scientific novelty of the study is to highlight the search for ways to optimize in the process of difficulties in determining the possibilities of academic mobility; separation of professional knowledge, skills, the development of which provides academic mobility. Conclusion. We came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the development of intra-university regulatory and legal support for academic mobility, which must take into account the specifics of educational institutions. Thus, legislative and regulatory support for academic mobility should include updating state legislation on higher education and multifaceted support for academic mobility.
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