professional development, personal portfolio, self-educational activity, competence, self-realization, life and professional perspective.Abstract
Introduction. Modern innovative in content and nature of Ukraine's educational system does not fully meet global trends in society and the labor market, which requires the formation of advanced educational policy to ensure the appropriate level of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology. Purpose. Investigate the process of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology in the process of independent work and reveal the features of programming his personal portfolio for life and professional prospects. Methods. The following methods were used for the research: study of methodical and scientific-pedagogical literature on the research topic; analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. Results. It is investigated that the use of personal portfolio provides personal educational trajectory of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology, stimulates independent student work, intensifies participation in higher education events, competitions, contests, conferences, charity fairs, exhibitions, festivals and others. The development of a personal portfolio by a future teacher of labor education and technology as a method of assessment and forecasting allows you to solve a number of personal (personal and professional) tasks and gradually and systematically build the prospect of their own formation and growth. Originality. In the article are covered the principles of application of portfolio technology; identifies the tasks of professional development of future teachers in the personal portfolio; the structure of the personal portfolio of future teachers of labor education and technology is presented. Conclusion. The results of the study, logical and systematic analysis of psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, practice in the process of educational and professional activities in higher education institutions highlight the need for personal programming of personal portfolio by future teachers of labor training and technology for life and professional prospects. Also, the results of the study give grounds to assert that in the professional development of the future teacher is necessary – the formation of an active life position – the need for self-development and self-improvement. Shifting the emphasis of the educational process to self-educational activities necessitates the training of future teachers of labor education and technology adequate perception and understanding of their capabilities, the development of their reflective abilities.
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