


scientific work, scientific and educational work, scientific societies, scientific circles, competitive works, medal tasks, scholarship funds.


Introduction. At the end of the XIX – beginning. XX century scientific traditions in the national university education were supported and further developed, which were actualized in the activity of scientific societies, circles, public organizations. It is necessary to emphasize the interdependence of socio-political events in the country and the diversity of activities and goals of clubs, societies, which accordingly forced the Ministry of Education to raise the issue of intensification and expansion of independent scientific work of students. The activity of scientific societies, circles, and, accordingly, the independent scientific work of students of this period was due to the introduction of government circulars. Purpose. The purpose of the study: to reveal and update the features and trends of further development of scientific traditions in university education, which were relevant in the activities of scientific societies, circles, organizations (1905–1916). Methods. To achieve the goal of the scientific article, the integration of methods was used: chronological-systemic – aimed at revealing trends in the development of independent work in higher education as a didactic category; personifiedbibliographic – for the analysis of epistolary heritage, the contribution of pedagogical personalities in the development of the problem; historical-diachronic – for scientific substantiation of the genesis and evolution of the content of independent work of students in the educational process of higher educational institutions of a certain period. Results. Independent scientific work of a student of higher education of Ukraine in the period under study was carried out in extracurricular activities (literary, scientific circles and societies; educational events, art competitions, scholarship competitions, medal tasks), aimed at educating students' amateur personality, skills for independent activity in life, etc. Originality. The results of the research confirm that the voluntary participation of students in scientific societies and circles, organizations contributed to the conscious fulfillment of statutory requirements, development of selfawareness of the importance of self-acquired knowledge, self-improvement to achieve goals and the need for individual collective decision-making. Conclusion. Historical and diachronic analysis suggests the need for further research on the historical and pedagogical origins of the formation and evolution of the content of independent work, transformation of its types and forms of performance with value-motivational orientation of the student in a modern higher education institution.


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