


educational process, educational technology, technology of motivation to achieve success.


Introduction. The problem of forming a successful personality is due to the needs of modern society. Successful personality is able not only to adapt to existing reality, but also shows activity, initiative and responsibility for the objective state of affairs in personal and social life, is the subject of his life. In this regard, the development of the problem of motivation to succeed and the conditions for its achievement, as well as the study of ideas about a successful person becomes especially acute in the modern world. Purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze ways to effectively use the technology of motivation to succeed in general secondary education in the study of biology and basics of health; revealing the role of the teacher in increasing the motivation to achieve student success. Methods. To study the effectiveness of the use of technology to motivate students to succeed as well as the readiness of future teachers of biology and basics of health to carry out this type of activity, the following research methods were used: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, questionnaires of students, observation. Results. An analysis of the results of diagnosing students was carried out in order to determine the level of motivation of students in general secondary education. There was a decrease in cognitive interest and motivation of students. Peculiarities of improving the skills of future biology teachers to introduce motivation to succeed in the educational process in general secondary education are considered. Effectiveness in motivating success in biology and basics of health through the use of techniques such as "Using different quotes with motivational expressions", "Mistake – the path to success", "Success stories", "Motivational advice", "Motivational advice", "Leadership" Diary of Achievements", "Visual Motivation", "Verbal Motivation", "Situations of Success", "Affirmations", "Visualization of Goals". Originality. The obtained materials enrich the theory of methods of teaching biology and basics of health by clarifying and supplementing the essence of motivation technology for student success, improving the techniques of motivation technology and ways to use them in the pedagogical practice of higher education teachers – future biology teachers. Conclusion. The study confirms the need to introduce technology to motivate success in the educational process, improve the techniques of this technology, its development and implementation by future teachers of biology and basics of health during teaching practice and in future activities. Based on the analysis of the current state of motivation of teachers to motivate students to succeed in secondary education in terms of training future teachers of biology and basics of health and leading research areas of pedagogical experience on a particular problem, concluded the need to improve certain technology.


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