graphic training, didactic opportunities, teacher of labor training, digital technologies.Abstract
Introduction. Digitalization of education puts forward new requirements for the quality of professional training of specialists in various specialties. At all levels of the education system, active work is being done to find possible ways to intensify, modernize and improve the quality of the learning process using modern digital technologies. Accordingly, there is an urgent need to organize the process of professional (including graphic) training of future teachers of labor education in pedagogical institutions of higher education on the basis of modern digital technologies, where among the sources of information are widespread digital educational resources. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to investigate and theoretically substantiate the main didactic possibilities of digital technologies for the successful implementation of the tasks of graphic training of future teachers of labor education. Methods. Achieving the goal of the study became possible through the use of the following methods of scientific knowledge: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the results of research on the problems of graphic training of students in higher education; study and systematization of domestic and foreign experience in teaching graphic disciplines to future teachers of labor education. Results. Rational use of digital technologies in the process of graphic training of students allows: organization of programmed control of students' academic achievements with the use of automated testing systems; computer vsupport of the educational process; virtual modeling of objects and phenomena, production processes; automation of various types of work related to the creation and editing of drawing-graphic documentation, etc. The most effective ways to successfully solve the problems of graphic training of future teachers of labor education by means of digital technologies are: 1) creation (use) of digital educational resources focused on the implementation of graphic training of students; 2) the use of special software (mainly computer-aided design systems) to automate various types of design-engineering activities of students; 3) rational combination of digital educational resources with traditional technologies of teaching graphic disciplines in pedagogical institutions of higher education. Originality. For the first time a comprehensive analysis of the main didactic capabilities of digital technologies for the successful implementation of the tasks of graphic training of future teachers of labor education in pedagogical institutions of higher education. Conclusion. It can be argued that by using the didactic potential of digital technologies, it becomes possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching professionally oriented graphic disciplines in pedagogical institutions of higher education, and thus increase the level of graphic training of future teachers of labor education.
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