higher education, future specialists, scientific topic, scientific research, psychological and pedagogical support, development of young children.Abstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of modern aspects of planning and organization of scientific research: requests and expectations of society from future specialists, namely the formation of professional skills (hard skills) and socially significant (soft skills); outlining the tasks of the teaching staff is to create conditions for full self-disclosure and self-knowledge of future teachers, to support the interest and motivation of students and to involve them in various contexts of research work. Purpose. To reveal effective approaches of psychological and pedagogical support of future specialists through the scheme of realization of the analytical and ascertaining stage of the scientific topic. Methods. The authors used several research methods: analysis – analyzed scientific papers on research activities in higher education institutions, in particular, the peculiarities of creating a research-oriented educational environment; advantages and disadvantages of research methods; synthesis – combines theoretical concepts and practical actions of scientific research; generalization – the role of conceptual approaches in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the research experiment is highlighted. Results. The scheme of realization of the analytical and ascertaining stage of the scientific theme of the department is described and the prospects of scientific research at the following stages are determined. Originality. Use of conceptual approaches: reflective, personality-oriented, axiological, competence and socialcommunicative. Author's definition of the phenomenon of psychological and pedagogical support of future specialists as a comprehensive system of measures to organize optimal conditions and partner support from teachers who realize opportunities for self-knowledge, creative potential, abilities, inclinations, interests and motives, self-esteem and desire for self-realization through active application of scientific achievements for each graduate. Conclusion. The presented scheme of realization of the analytical and ascertaining stage of the scientific theme "Training of future specialists of preschool education for psychological and pedagogical support of early childhood development" covers the use of a set of approaches, taking into account society's demands and features higher education and modern means of solving them. A further algorithm of actions of the teaching staff is to process and discuss the general results of the survey at the analytical and ascertaining stage; identification of problematic aspects and difficulties of students and analysis of their causes; definition of tasks and directions of the formative stage of realization of a scientific theme of research for each teacher, and, consequently, each educational discipline – planning of separate modules and possible change of quantity of credits, introduction of additional classroom and practical employment, transformation of educational content and its quality.
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