critical thinking, teaching methods, cognitive war, empire, history, culture.Abstract
Introduction. The author of the article summarizes the problems of practical teaching of history, extracurricular activities, meetings of the scientific circle and identifies the features of the formation of critical thinking in communication with students. On the example of Russia's imperial policy, it is important to show the importance of their own judgments of events. In this context, we see the urgency of the research problem. The aim of the work is to clarify the methodological conditions for the effective development of critical thinking of students on the example of imperial policy against Ukrainians. Research methods. In the course of the research general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison) were used. SWOT analysis was used to highlight key features, innovations, and historical connections. The main results of the study. The publication in the historical discourse analyzes the cognitive war in the times of imperial Russia, which was waged for centuries against the Ukrainians. Methods of studying the problem include the characteristics of the tools of cognitive warfare: substitution of concepts and meanings, banning the Ukrainian name on the Little Russian, planting foreign history, language and religion, destroying the intelligentsia and historical memory of the ethnic group. The publication emphasizes the methodological issues of the topic. After all, everything that the teacher says in lessons or extracurricular activities, students consume the information received, which is then passed on? These students will know a lot, but will they be able to use this knowledge? Ofcourse not. Therefore, the task of the education system is to form critical thinking in students. Scientific novelty of research results. Is to create a comprehensive study of the formation of critical thinking of schoolchildren on the example of the analysis of Russia's imperial policy. Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. Theoretical material of the topic, a number of practical and problem-oriented tasks focused on the formation of key competencies will allow us to conclude that history as a discipline contributes to the formation of students' critical thinking. In the circumstances of a full-scale war, critical thinking is not only a consequence of the democratic way of life, but also a factor in its formation, especially in our difficult and tragic period of history. Modern youth is, first of all, a potential for state development. According to its ability to think critically, the fate of society depends to some extent. Now Ukraine has a unique historical chance to defeat Russia and finally break free from its influence – economic, cultural, civilizational, to put an end to cognitive war.
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