professional training, personal qualities, educator of preschool education institution, professional competence.Abstract
Introduction. Today, modern society needs well-developed, socially active individuals who have the basic scientific education, the rich internal culture. Despite the fact that any specialist needs deep knowledge, professionally significant personal qualities are especially important for the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher. Purpose. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the development of the teacher’s personal qualities.To determine the educator’s main personal qualities of the preschool institution. Methods. To achieve this goal, a set of interrelated methods of scientific research was used: analysis, synthesis, concretization, classification, comparison, generalization of scientific sources on the research topic; study of pedagogical experience. Results. Of course, the effectiveness of preschool education depends not only on the programs of education and upbringing, but also directly on the personality of the teacher. Therefore, the educator must be friendly, open to students and parents, be able to establish cooperation with all participants in the educational process in everyday life, as life provides the greatest opportunities for the development of preschoolers. According to O. Kononko, an important task of higher education institutions is not only high-quality professional training of teachers, but also the formation of personal competence of student youth, moral education in content and active in life, development of a holistic scientific picture of the world and adequate self-image. T. Ponimanska singles out the main personal qualities that are necessary in the professional activity of a modern educator of a preschool institution.These include the ability to reflect and control the results of pedagogical activities, cooperation with the child on the basis of humanization, development of his personality, ability to emotional and moral support of the child, the desire for emotional intimacy in communication with it, focusing on psychological comfort and timely personality development. desire to replenish knowledge, engage in self-study and self-education to improve their pedagogical skills, the ability to identify and take into account the interests of children in education and their right to respect. Today, domestic and foreign scientists have more than 120 professional qualities of a teacher, which, in our opinion, are important in the implementation of professional tasks. Let's highlight only those that are most common in the psychological and pedagogical literature.These include emotionality, camaraderie, plastic behavior, the ability to understand and manage children, love and interest in children, empathy, content and brightness of language, pedagogical tact and pedagogical demands, and others. Obviously, if we talk about a holistic personality, it is not always possible to find the right qualities in one person, but the aspirations and persistence of the future teacher will make the process of mastering personal qualities more effective. Originality. The basic personal qualities that are necessary in the professional activity of a modern educator of a preschool institution are determined. Conclusion. Thus, an educator is not just a person endowed with a set of properties, characteristics, qualities. The educator is a person and a professional only if this set of properties is a single whole, which is based on the motivational sphere, which provides social, cognitive and professional-pedagogical orientation.The main personal qualities of a modern educator of preschool education include: humanism, kindness, sensitivity, tact, justice, self-criticism, openness, optimism, ingenuity, creativity, democracy, desire for self-improvement, activity, honesty, diligence, emotional stability, resilience pedagogical reflection, observation, empathy, prognosticity, communicativeness, politeness, endurance, attractive appearance, neatness, etc.
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