development strategies, practical training, social worker, professionalization, practice-oriented approach.Abstract
Introduction. In improving the domestic system of practical training of social workers, we consider it appropriate to refer to the experience of the Republic of Poland in order to thoroughly historical and pedagogical study and identify opportunities for the implementation of progressive ideas in the training of social workers. Improving the system of practical training of social workers in Ukraine, its development in accordance with European standards is possible provided the active study of progressive ideas of foreign experience in training relevant professionals in the domestic practice of higher education. Purpose. The study of strategic directions of development of practical training of social workers in the Republic of Poland was carried out in order to thoroughly study and identify opportunities for the implementation of progressive ideas in the domestic training of social workers. Methods: logical-systemic – aimed at disclosing strategies for the development of practical training of social workers in the Republic of Poland; structural-comparative – in order to systematize the scientific literature, program documents and compare their content; historical-comparative – in order to compare events, phenomena and facts in their historical development. Results. Based on the logical and systematic analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical literature and generalization of its authors, it was found that the process of practical training of social workers in higher education in Poland is a process of gradual qualitative dynamic changes in its organization, content in theory and practice. historical and pedagogical process of formation. Originality. The effectiveness of practical training is based on the basic knowledge of Polish social workers on work practice,which are included in the bachelor's and master's programs in social work and are aimed at the purpose, forms and methods of work of teachers. Conclusion. Thus, improving the system of practical training of social workers in Ukraine, its development in accordance with European standards is possible provided the active study of progressive ideas of foreign experience in training relevant professionals in the domestic practice of higher еducation.
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