


LEGO technologies, New Ukrainian School, primary school


For the formation of key mathematical competences in elementary school, it is important to use LEGO technologies, which involve modeling choice situations, conducting dialogue, free exchange of ideas, etc. The use of such technologies in mathematics lessons in elementary school contributes to the creation of an educational environment in which social competence is formed, the worldview and coherent speech of students develops, and the child’s character is formed. The purpose of the article is to reveal the main aspects of the use of LEGO technologies in mathematics lessons in elementary school in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. Originality consists in establishing the main approaches to the effective implementation of LEGO technologies as a condition for the formation of key mathematical competencies in primary school in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. A complex of the following methods was used during the research: theoretical – generalization, systematization, theoretical modeling, specification, comparison, analysis, synthesis; empirical – observation, analysis of the results of students’ activities, conversations. Working with LEGO will help to expand knowledge and form correct ideas about the surrounding world, architecture, transport and landscape. In addition, it promotes the development of attention, memory and creative thinking of primary school students. Using LEGO also helps to build dialogic speaking skills, expand vocabulary and the ability to work in groups, communicate and be tolerant of each other. Working with the LEGO constructor also contributes to the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the classroom. Well-organized work with a LEGO constructor has great potential: it helps to develop certain qualities – perseverance, mutual respect, accuracy, patience, develops creative thinking. The use of LEGO technologies can be useful in providing a more interactive approach to learning, which allows students to become more involved in the learning process and increase their motivation to learn mathematics. Thanks to the possibility of construction, students can make their own discovery and research, which contributes to the development of creative thinking and self-confidence. Thus, the use of LEGO can be very useful for developing mathematical skills and preparing students for further study of more complex mathematical concepts. The introduction of LEGO technologies in mathematics classes activates the development of logical thinking, such mental functions as analysis, synthesis, the establishment of patterns by students of education and the identification of relevant analogies, will contribute to learning and the development of the ability to make decisions and evaluate their correctness with the help of modeling real situations based on development mathematical apparatus. It makes sense to direct further research in the direction of studying the organizational and pedagogical conditions of effective use of LEGO technology in the educational process of primary school.


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