


didactic game, cognitive activity, cognitive interest, mathematical competence


In childhood, play is the main activity for children. With the help of the game, children learn about the world around them. Having entered school after kindergarten, the child encounters a new activity – learning. But the game remains an important means of learning new things. Mathematics is one of the most difficult theoretical sciences that student’s study at school. The use of games in mathematics lessons is one of the most effective approaches to learning, the game approach facilitates the assimilation of complex information, activates attentiveness, and develops cognitive activity. Students learn the “skill to study” independently. The relevance and importance of the research problem, its socio-pedagogical significance, insufficient theoretical and methodological development determined the choice of the topic of the work. The purpose of the article is to study and experimentally verify the effectiveness of using a didactic game as a means of developing cognitive activity in mathematics lessons in a new Ukrainian school. To solve the set goal, the following were used: comparative analysis of regulatory and legal documents in the field of education, psychological and pedagogical literature, teachers’ work experience – to determine the state and prospects of the investigated problem; analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, classification – made it possible to systematize theoretical materials on the research problem. During the study of the problem of the development of students’ cognitive activity in mathematics lessons, we analyzed a number of psychological and pedagogical literature of domestic scientists who were engaged in research and study of this topic. As a result, the goal of checking the effectiveness of using a didactic game as a means of developing cognitive activity in mathematics lessons in a new Ukrainian school was achieved. As a result of a theoretical study, it was found that one of the most effective ways to improve the process of teaching mathematics in a new Ukrainian school is a didactic game. Didactic games contribute to the formation of computational and graphic abilities and skills in children, the development of basic thinking techniques, and the expansion of horizons. Systematic and regular use of games in mathematics lessons increases the effectiveness of learning. As a result of the research, it was found that in order to develop the cognitive activity of students of the new Ukrainian school in mathematics lessons, it is worth using didactic games in any type of lesson. It is noted that a didactic game is a method of learning that involves the presence of a game action, solves certain didactic tasks: learning new material, repeating and consolidating the learned material, forming work skills and skills, using the acquired knowledge in practice.


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