information security, Internet network, education seekers, educational institution, riskAbstract
Currently, the Internet has become an integral part of our everyday life. The use of the network in educational institutions and at home expands the informational educational space and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of education. However, the use of the Internet in educational activities hides many dangers. Purpose. Investigate the issue of information security of education seekers as an element of a safe educational environment. The following methods were used for the research: study of scientific-pedagogical and methodical literature on the research topic; analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience and study. It was determined that the safety of education seekers is one of the main tasks of a civilized society, therefore everyone involved in this society should ensure their safety on the Internet. It was established that within the framework of the development of an effective information security strategy of educational institutions, the following main directions are distinguished: regulatory and legal support, in the organizational plan, preventive work, administrative-organizational, physical and technical. A safe educational environment is formed in educational institutions if the mentioned directions are implemented. In the article highlights the issues of ensuring information security of participants in the educational process with the aim of organizing a safe educational environment. Four general categories of risk (risk related to the content of materials presented on the Internet; risk related to unwanted contacts; commercial risk; risk related to the use of personal data) to which students of education are exposed using the network are revealed Internet. The paper examines the priority areas of information security development of student youth in educational institutions. Formation of information culture and security is a long and difficult process, but important and necessary. The Internet can become a global encyclopedia, uniting information resources from around the world. The task of adults (teachers, parents) is to form a versatile intellectual personality whose high moral level will be a guarantee of its information security. And for this, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of teachers in the field of information security in order to be able to orient students of education on safe behavior on the Internet. Regularly hold consultations on cyber security issues and work not to catch up, but to be ahead of the curve. Solving the task of ensuring information security requires a comprehensive approach, solving a multitude of technical, legislative, organizational, psychological and pedagogical tasks. These directions should become the basis for solving cyber security problems in educational institutions.
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