



philosophy of education, Kazymyr Tvardovskyi, logic, psychology, propedeutics of philosophy, study of philosophy


In the modern world, where the importance of philosophy in the educational process is growing, the pedagogical thought of Kazymyr Tvardowskyi, a Polish philosopher who lived and worked between the two world wars, can be useful for modern educators. The article analyzes the model of philosophical education proposed by K. Tvardowskyi, which aims to form critical thinking and self-awareness of students. This article analyzes the model of philosophical education developed by Kazymyr Tvardowskyi, which has great potential as a propedeutic of philosophy in secondary school and university. The author reveals the content of this model, which, after some modifications, can become a valuable guide for the development of specific approaches to education, contributing to the formation of critical thinking and self-awareness of students. The article focuses on the definition of the goals of education that Kazymyr Tvardowskyi set for himself in his educational work. The author cites important aspects of Tvardowskyi’s pedagogical thought aimed at stimulating active thinking and self-education of students. The author discusses the development of critical thinking, free thought, the ability to analyze and evaluate ideas, as well as the desire for personal growth through philosophical reflection. The analysis of the model of philosophical education proposed by Kazymyr Tvardowskyi provides an opportunity to expand the understanding of philosophical education and pedagogy in general. This approach contributes to the development of students’ independence and critical thinking, the ability to analyze complex conceptual problems and the formation of their own philosophical positions. In addition, the article discusses other important aspects of philosophical education, such as the formation of personal culture and the development of students’ morality. K. Tvardowskyi emphasizes that a personality should be able to solve complex life problems and make conscious choices. Philosophical education should become a means of developing such skills and abilities. One of the main problems with the didactics of philosophy by Kazymyr Tvardovskyi is his complex and technical writing style. The scholar used a high level of abstraction and linguistic precision, which can be difficult for students or newcomers to philosophical study to understand and comprehend. Tvardovskyi’s philosophical research was embedded in the specific historical and cultural context of his time, particularly in the post-World War II period. This can affect the understanding and interpretation of his philosophical ideas, particularly for modern students who do not have sufficient information about this context. Tvardovskyi’s philosophical writings contain many complex philosophical concepts, such as intentionality, categoricality, reflection, and his original concept of the intentional act. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the didactic culture of Kazymyr Tvardovskyi’s philosophy as the founder of the Lviv-Warsaw School.


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