


unified electronic reporting system, purpose of activity, practical psychologists, social pedagogues, principles, psychological service, psychological support, structure


The purpose of the article is to analyze the management principles, find out the conditions of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of its functioning. The research used theoretical and empirical research methods, namely theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological practice; construction of theoretical approaches and organizational and methodological conditions for improving the practical activity of psychological service specialists; poll; study of methodical and reporting documentation; methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results of the study reflect the state and development of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine, analysis of activities, improvement of scientific and methodological support of psychological support and socio-pedagogical work, improvement of the functioning of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine and the implementation of Article 76 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”. The scientific results of the research are prerequisites for raising the level of activity of psychological service workers in this direction, and therefore for raising the level of domestic science in European and global dimensions. The scientific novelty consists in providing up-to-date and updated statistical data on the number, provision, improvement of qualifications and the appeal of participants of the educational process to psychological service workers, as well as holding all-Ukrainian and regional methodical meetings, seminars, conferences, supervisory groups, etc.; introduction of a unified electronic reporting system. Based on the results of the analysis of the work of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine, the main problems and challenges faced by the specialists of the psychological service are highlighted, ways of development and improvement of the psychological service system through the implementation of a unified electronic reporting system are proposed.


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