


kettlebell sport, stato-dynamic, experimental program, preparedness of athletes, technique, physical preparedness, training process


Weightlifting is not an Olympic sport, but it is popular among the younger generation in Ukraine. This article provides a comparative analysis of the developed methodology of kettlebell training sessions for young athletes aged 15–17 who are engaged in kettlebell sports. The research was carried out in the short-term care center of the Youth School № 1 in Poltava and the short-term center of the Youth High School № 16 in Kharkiv. To solve the task, a group of 15–17-year-old athletes engaged in strength sports, and in particular weightlifting, was formed, consisting of 30 people. During the experiment, the expediency of applying the proposed amounts of training loads to the physical fitness of young weight lifters aged 15–17 (girls, boys) during the annual training cycle was confirmed. The main integral indicator of improving the preparedness of athletes is the sports result. During the period of the oneyear experiment, an increase in the number of winners and prize-winners of a number of prestigious regional and national competitions has been observed among athletes engaged in kettlebell sports. Thus, the effectiveness of applying the annual program of training loads in kettlebell sports for young athletes is confirmed not only by the results of benchmarks of the study on improving physical fitness, but also by their sports achievements. In the article, for the first time, a detailed analysis of the experimental training complex of classes for improving general and special physical fitness was revealed The conducted research made it possible to determine the level of general and special physical fitness of young weightlifters, which makes it possible to move to a new, higher level of improvement and increases the chances of winning in competitive activities. The given data can be used for the purpose of optimal construction and control of the training process according to the level of physical fitness of athletes engaged in kettlebell sports. The author’s technique included exercises that were performed in static-dynamic and strength modes. A study of the effectiveness of the introduction of the author’s methodology into the training process of young weightlifters aged 15–17 years determined a positive effect on special and physical fitness.


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