


Waldorf school, personality, holistic development, age characteristics, form drawing, artistic experience, «pure objectless» form, spatial awareness, ability to concentrate and self-control.


Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to analyze the humanistic Waldorf experience and the lack of revelation of the idea of using form drawing as a special subject of Waldorf school in Ukrainian scientific sources. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to reveal the specific features of teaching form drawing as a special subject of Waldorf school. The tasks are the following: to highlight the purpose, tasks and main directions of teaching form drawing; to characterize the specific features of teaching form drawing to schoolchildren of different levels of Waldorf education. Methods. A complex of general scientific methods has been used for the study. They are analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification of scientific sources. They made it possible to highlight the degree of scientific development of the problem, provided an opportunity to investigate the specific features of teaching form drawing as a special subject of Waldorf school. Results. The authors reveal the main purpose of form drawing (awakening the child’s sense of «pure objectless» form as a specific artistic experience) and the tasks of teaching form drawing, which is determined by its focus on person’s holistic development. These tasks are: development of mental, emotional and volitional spheres, development of creative forces, various skills and qualities, in particular, imagination, flexibility of thinking, aesthetic taste and artistic abilities, spatial awareness, ability to concentrate and control oneself. The authors focus on the hygienic and therapeutic effect of form drawing as a means of overcoming age-related and individual problems of children, smoothing the one-sidedness and dominance of the child’s development. The main directions of form drawing are highlighted. They are: preparing children for writing and reading, writing letters and numbers (form drawing precedes writing and is closely related to native language and mathematics in primary grades); initial introduction to geometry (in the 5th grade, form drawing turns into geometry «by hand» and from the 6th grade it becomes an accurate geometric drawing); introduction to fine arts and artistic activity. The content of form drawing is characterized. It clearly corresponds to schoolchildren’s age characteristics and is closely related to other subjects (native language, mathematics, history, geography, physics, etc.). A fairly wide range of drawing activities in Waldorf schools is noted. It includes drawing the simplest geometric, intertwined, plant and animal forms, creating wonderful «black and white» portraits, complex geometric constructions, beautiful elegant drawings, making geographical maps, posters and linocuts, etc. Conclusion. The authors reveal the pedagogical expediency of studying, creatively comprehending and using the experience of Waldorf school to solve the current problems of the modern national school, in particular, the holistic development of the individual, the elimination of child’s age and individual problems, the formation of their abilities to concentrate and self-control.


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