educational policy, psychological and pedagogical support, participants of educational relations, subject, martial law.Abstract
Introduction. Given the extremely difficult situation in which Ukraine has found itself, as a result of armed aggression, a large number of participants in the educational process have found themselves in non-standard conditions. The article is devoted to the activities of state bodies and governing bodies of educational institutions and other persons who determine and implement educational policy in Ukraine, in particular in higher education institutions during the special period of martial law. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the content of the educational policy on psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the educational process in higher education institutions during martial law. Methods. The study used theoretical and empirical research methods, namely theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical practice to clarify the essence of the basic concepts of the study; empirical and experimental: questionnaire - to study the state of psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process of a higher education institution; modeling - to develop and present recommendations for the successful organization of psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process of a higher education institution. Results. In particular, the article defines martial law as a special legal regime introduced in the country in the event of armed aggression or threat of attack, threat to the state independence of Ukraine, etc. The analysis of the latest research of domestic scientists on the study of educational policy, psychological and pedagogical support, including during martial law, is made. The main tasks of a higher education institution in accordance with current legislation are emphasized. The types of participants in the educational process in a higher education institution are determined. The definitions of the categories of support, types of support in the national scientific literature are analyzed. Originality. The scientific novelty is the definition of the concept of psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the educational process of higher education institutions under martial law and is understood by the author as a comprehensive system of measures aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for participants in the educational process in the special legal regime of martial law. The author defines the concept of educational policy of psychological and pedagogical support of participants of the educational process of a higher education institution during martial law and understands it as the activities of public authorities, governing bodies and other entities aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for participants of the educational process in the special legal regime of martial law. The author defines the concept of educational policy of psychological and pedagogical support of participants of the educational process of a higher education institution during martial law and understands it as the activities of public authorities, management bodies and other entities aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for participants of the educational process in the special legal regime of martial law. For the first time, the author identifies the main subjects of ensuring (guaranteeing) the educational policy of psychological and pedagogical support and provides a general description of some of them: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Educational Ombudsman, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the branch academies of sciences of Ukraine, local self-government bodies, the management of higher education institutions (rector, vice-rector, etc, president, vice-rector, dean, director, heads of departments, etc.), the Academic Council, public self-government bodies, student self-government, research and teaching staff (curators, tutors), and the psychological service of a higher education institution. Conclusion. The author believes that the entities providing psychological and pedagogical support are able and should respond in a timely manner to the challenges of today, and further research is needed to analyze in more detail the activities of each specific entity in wartime and to study the main reasons for the low level of implementation.
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