educational trends, continuous education, adult education, conception of teachers’ professional development.Abstract
Introduction. For now, there is a widely recognized global perspective on pedagogical education. One of the tasks of the institutional model of pedagogical education is the accumulation and transmission of the socio-cultural pedagogical experience of society. Purpose. Unveiling and actualizing contemporary global trends in pedagogical education. Methods. To study contemporary global trends and features of pedagogical education, general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, classification, comparison) were employed for the comprehension / systematization / interpretation of the material. Results. The main features and trends of pedagogical education in European countries and the United States of America are highlighted in the context of continuous education, aimed at ensuring continuous self-development, selfeducation and self-improvement throughout life. A close correlation between pedagogical educational trends and changes in the education system of the countries has been revealed. Scientific sources have been analyzed and the following trends in pedagogical education are singled out: 1) predominant emphasis on professional development, formation of special professional skills; 2) introduction of experimental programs in educational institutions aimed at developing teachers’ various competencies (relational, research, socio-cultural, leadership), which are based on active learning and are integrated into the socio-cultural space of the educational institution; 3) state policy focus on research-based education; 4) utilizing and implementing the concept of teachers’ professional development for the program design / fostering this pedagogical phenomenon in the education sector; 5) establishment of effective cooperation between universities and secondary comprehensive schools / preschool education institutions; 6) introduction of government initiatives to improve the status of the teaching profession and enhance teacher education programs. The features of teacher professional development programs are identified as follows: 1) based on two theories (change / training); 2) take into account pedagogical aspects such as training effectiveness, conflict management; 3) shift the focus of pedagogical education from the priority of acquiring ready-made knowledge to their active acquisition / appropriation, unlocking the fundamental cognitive potential. Attention is drawn to the common / distinctive elements in European and Ukrainian adult education systems. Originality. The trends in the development of pedagogical education in the modern global space have been identified. Conclusion. The system of pedagogical education is undergoing continuous transformation, necessitating theoretical / methodological / practical adaptation facilitated by the appropriate tools. The main trends in the development of pedagogical education are realized through the refinement / organization of educators’ professional training.
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