educational process, safe educational environment, psychological safety, physical safety, social safety, preschool institution, pedagogical conditions, social environment.Abstract
Introdactions. At the current stage of development of the preschool education system, there is a need to organize an integrated comprehensive approach to the formation of a safe educational environment, to determine the main aspects and components of creating a safe educational environment in preschool education institutions; determination of the main aspects of the work on creating comprehensive security; discussion of the issue and features of increasing the level of psychological safety and physical development of preschoolers. The issue of creating a safe educational environment in Ukraine during the war has become particularly acute. Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features of the organization of a safe educational environment in a preschool education institution. Methods. In the research process, the following methods were used: synthesis, dialectic, induction and deduction, generalization, questionnaire. Results. The work considers the conditions for the formation of a safe educational environment in preschool education institutions. The main types of security threats and risks of the educational environment of preschool education institutions are characterized. The main components of a safe educational environment have been determined, which includes the formation of safe conditions for the stay of children in a preschool institution, and the professional activities of the institution's employees. The organization of security in an educational institution, which provides an opportunity to eliminate or reduce the risk of possible adverse events in the educational process in advance, is considered. The motto of the work became: predict, teach, protect. The paper examines the process of forming a comprehensive approach to solving the safety problems of the educational space of preschool educational institutions. It was determined that the safety of the educational environment includes the following components: physical, psychological and social safety. Practical examples of the formation of a safe educational environment in preschool institutions are considered. A survey of teachers-educators was conducted regarding their participation in the formation of the safety of the educational environment. Based on the research, the conditions of a safe educational environment of the preschool education institution were formed. It was established that the model of a safe educational space of a preschool educational institution integrates all elements of the security system and contributes to a more effective solution to the security problem. In the conditions of martial law, the role of such a component of a safe educational environment as physical security is increasing. To the traditional elements of physical security is added the need to provide preschool education institutions with shelters, means of informing about air raids, etc. Originality. The article identified pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of a safe educational environment in preschool education institutions. Conclusions. During the research, it was established that the process of forming a safe educational environment in a preschool integrates all elements of the security system and contributes to the effective solution of the security problem. The analysis of domestic experience in creating a safe educational environment made it possible to highlight a number of its indisputable conditions: physical security, which makes the threat of violent attacks impossible; psychological protection of students from harassment, violence, offensive attitude, lack of fear of educational organization and educational process; protection of children from aggression and bullying by peers, the result of which is not so much physical as emotional trauma; encouraging expressions of friendship, empathy and mutual support; the balance between maintaining a safe and free environment for students to express themselves and the observance of rules by all participants in the educational process that would prevent enmity or hatred during classes; responsibility of pedagogical workers for regulation of children's relationships and others. To create a safe educational environment in modern preschool education institutions, we recommend the following: if necessary, change the educational process, prepare and equip shelters, establish good communication with parents, the community, involve a team of psychological support in the institution.
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