


image, professional image of a teacher, development of professional image, ways of image formation, primary school teacher.


Introduction. In today's conditions of modernization of the education system, the requirements for the teacher's personality and image have increased significantly. Professional image has become a crucial resource that determines the prestige and success of the education system as a whole, as well as of a particular educational institution. Image is important in both professional and personal relationships. It provides an opportunity to be accepted and understood by others, helps to establish productive personal and developmental relationships with primary school students. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concepts of "image" and "professional image" and to outline the peculiarities of forming the professional image of a primary school teacher based on the analysis of scientific literature. Methods. The author has used a set of research methods, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction, induction, and generalization. Results. It has been found that in the general sense, an image is interpreted as a stereotypical and emotionally colored image of someone or something fixed in the mass consciousness. The professional image of a teacher is an opinion formed about a teacher as a specialist in their field, a professional. Being characteristic of any profession, it includes external and internal individual, personal and professional qualities that demonstrate readiness and ability for subject-subject communication. It has been established that the beginning of the development of professional image is associated with the moment when a person accepts a profession and is included in the process of its development. Originality. We have outlined the ways of forming a positive image of a primary school teacher, such as: awareness of the necessity to improve a positive professional image; active work on the formation of one's own image and development of one's own personality; knowledge and understanding of the requirements for personal qualities of a teacher and his/her professional activity; mastering the system of scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge about the essence and significance of professional image; identifying the initial level of qualities that form the basis of a positive image of a primary school teacher; mastering the techniques of self-knowledge, skills of designing an individual image; adherence to the principle of systematicity in the formation of a professional image. Conclusion. We have concluded that the professional image of a primary school teacher is an integrated image of a specialist that combines internal and external characteristics and is formed in the minds of other people during communication. Creating a teacher's image is a complex and lengthy process, the effectiveness of which depends on various factors, such as circumstances, conditions, technologies, specifics of formation, etc.


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