


student youth, spirituality, national self-awareness, creative development, traditions, nationalpatriotic education.


Introduction. The article highlights the concept of national identity and the development of spirituality of student youth, as well as the correlation between the concepts of socialization, education, training and upbringing. The national character and significance of social education in the development of personality’s self-awareness are revealed, attention is focused on the essence of the educational ideal, the ideas of national and spiritual education. Purpose. The paper analyzes the influence of traditions, native language, customs, and artistic creativity in preserving the nation. National-patriotic education is defined as a purposeful psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at developing personal qualities and national identity of pupils, aimed at forming the ability to personal self-realization and participation in social processes. Methods. The publication deals with theoretical provisions on the essence and patterns of personality development and socialization, the principle of systemic approaches widely used in modern scientific research, methods of cognitive research, application of the principles of worldview to spiritual creativity and practice, as well as general psychological and pedagogical provisions on the essence and development of the personality throughout life. Results. It is determined that the path of knowledge of patriotism, national identity, is inextricably linked with the theoretical understanding of the history of Ukraine as a state, therefore, historical and comparative methods of research are used in the study. Originality and conclusion. Since national-patriotic education includes organizational, social and other aspects of life, its important component is the formation of love for the native land in student youth, which is implemented by the family in a relaxed social atmosphere through the preservation, enhancement and transmission of cultural traditions and is based on humanistic principles, which are the basis for the emergence of the following concepts: psychological and pedagogical support and assistance, educational space, image of young people, activities as a factor of education, life and educational situation.


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