


distance learning, legal field, virtual learning and communication space.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of legal support and organization of the educational process in Ukrainian institutions of general secondary education in a distance format. The author noted the relatively short history of distance education in Ukraine compared to world experience, which did not prevent it from the beginning of 2000 to go through a difficult, but rapid path from formation to development and even international integration. The purpose of the article is to highlight the organizational and legal foundations of distance learning in institutions of general secondary education at the current stage. Methods. The author used theoretical methods, namely analysis, synthesis, generalization to study the peculiarities of the domestic regulatory and legal field of distance learning in institutions of general secondary education. Results. The author analyses the national regulatory and legal framework, in which distance learning is defined as an individualized process of cognitive activity carried out through indirect interaction of participants in the educational process who are remote from each other. Distance learning takes place in a specialized environment with the help of modern information and communication technologies, the purpose of which is to provide educational services at educational levels in accordance with state education standards. In the context of the social and political challenges facing our country today, when it is not possible to organize full-time education, it is the distance form that gives students the right to «quality and affordable education in accordance with their abilities, interests, needs, motivation, capabilities and experience, regardless of age, place of residence/stay, health status, disability, social and property status, other signs and circumstances, including those that objectively make it impossible to attend educational institutions». Emphasis is placed on new challenges facing the domestic education system, which caused a review of the regulatory and organizational regulation of distance learning. The peculiarities of this process in the conditions of martial law are determined, which depends primarily on the security situation in each separate administrativeterritorial unit and allows: to organize training in face-to-face, remote or mixed forms depending on the presence of protective structures in educational institutions; make independent decisions about the number of students in the class; to change the form of education during the academic year depending on the security situation; to change (at the request of parents) during the academic year or semester the form of education for students who are abroad or are internally displaced persons. Originality. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the determination of the organizational and legal foundations of distance learning in institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of social and political challenges. Conclusion. The experience gained in previous years allowed to improve the organizational and legal basis of distance learning, which provides more opportunities for the development of digital competences of teachers and students, regular interaction between them using forms of individual and collective cognitive activity of students, their exercise of self-control during education.


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