


the English language, interdisciplinary connections, content and language integrated learning, high school students, public speaking, the Ukrainian language.


Introduction. The use of a content and language integrated learning approach to teaching public speaking in the Ukrainian and English languages to students of the 10–11 forms allows to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. Interdisciplinary connections facilitate the assimilation of complex information and develop students’ cognitive skills. The relevance and importance of this problem have led to the choice of the research topic. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the requirements of the State Standard and curricula in the English and Ukrainian languages to students in the 10 and 11 forms; to identify ways to improve the process of teaching public speaking based on interdisciplinary connections; to suggest activities for integrated lessons aimed at developing public speaking skills. Methods. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis of the content of the State Standard, comparative analysis of the English and Ukrainian languages curricula for the 10 and 11 forms, research literature analysis, classroom observation to determine the state and prospects of the problem under study; synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, classification to systematize theoretical materials on the research problem. Results. The analysis of the State Standard and curricula confirmed the conclusion about the need to supplement the Ukrainian language curricula for the 10-th form with theoretical material on teaching public speaking in the form of dialogue and polylogue, and the curricula for the 11-th form with material on teaching public speaking in the form of monologue. It has been established that the implementation of interdisciplinary connections contributes to the successful mastery of the state and foreign (English) languages in Ukrainian and English language lessons in general secondary education establishments and is an effective tool for its implementation. The coherent system of knowledge and skills in teaching public speaking can be achieved through the use of a content and language integrated learning approach. As communication skills are indispensable for personal and professional success, incorporating advanced technologies such as ChatGPT offers a unique and interactive approach to skill development. The technology has a profound impact on speech writing, practice sessions, feedback mechanisms, and overall confidence building in high school students. It is found that one of the effective ways to develop public speaking skills is to use artificial intelligence. Originality. This paper explores the potential of utilizing ChatGPT, a language generation model, as an innovative tool to develop and enhance public speaking skills in high school students. Activities that teachers of the English and Ukrainian languages can use to develop high school students’ speaking skills, in particular for preparing and presenting a motivational speech, are suggested. Conslusion. It is concluded that it is important to establish and effectively use the interdisciplinary connections within the framework of content and language integrated learning in order to achieve the declared learning outcomes in teaching public speaking. The prospect of the study lies in the further identification and use of interdisciplinary connections and the study of the possibilities of artificial intelligence for developing high school students’ public speaking skills.


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