



factor, innovative competence, students of higher education, pedagogical university, future biology teachers.


Methods. The consistency of experts' opinions regarding the ranking of the studied factors was determined by calculating the concordance coefficient proposed by M. Kendell and B. Smith. The Pearson consistency criterion was used to assess the significance of the concordance coefficient. Results. The analysis of the views of scientists regarding the essence of the concept of «factor», their varieties, etc. was carried out. According to the results of the ranking, we have a hierarchy of factors for the formation of innovative competence of future biology teachers: 1) motivation for innovations (F7); 2) awareness of the need to apply innovations (F6); 3) creative approach of participants in the educational process (F10); 4) personal readiness for innovations (F8); 5) insufficient amount of information about innovative technologies (F9); 6) the atmosphere of learning new things in the team (F4); 7) fear of using something new (F5); 8) salary (low material interest) (Ф1); 9) requests from society, education seekers for updated educational services (F3); 10) weak financing of the innovative movement (F2). Originality. The factors (factors) that are the most used in the scientific research of scientists and play a significant role in the formation of innovative competence of future teachers, including biology teachers, a group of factors of general information direction, personal direction, content direction and the work of experts are presented. Conclusion. The expert group selected and ranked ten factors of the formation of innovative competence of future biology teachers. We see prospects for further research in the selection and ranking of pedagogical conditions for the formation of innovative competence of future biology teachers, which are closely related to the presented factors.


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