intercultural competence, foreign language, higher education institutions, distance learning, multicultural environment, online technologies.Abstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of distance learning for the formation of intercultural competence in the process of teaching foreign languages. The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in the development of intercultural competence of students are identified. The positive aspects are freedom of access to electronic resources, reduction of training costs and time saving, flexibility of education, the ability to set clear criteria for assessing the knowledge of students, various formats of education, the realization of the need for self-study, the expansion of the communicative component of educational activities, which serves as a means of developing intercultural interaction. Disadvantages that can prevent the formation of intercultural competence are the periodic lack of access to high-quality Internet connection, the occurrence of technical problems, lack of socialization, and loss of motivation to study. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the possibilities and ways of forming intercultural competence of philologists in foreign language classes. Methods. The analysis of scientific literature, method of system analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis. Results. The experience of working in higher education institution shows that in order to increase the motivation of students during online education, it is necessary to use a variety of methods, techniques and forms of education; offer interesting and rich information in combination with audio and video materials; provide clear instructions for completing assignments and evaluation criteria; feedback from the teacher on the requests of students, as well as praise for good work, is mandatory; In order to avoid searching for answers on the Internet, it is necessary to give more creative tasks (for example, to compose sentences with phraseological units that do not have equivalents in the Ukrainian language, and to point out typical situations of their use). It is found that the formation of intercultural competence in foreign language classes is ensured through such types of learning as traditional online and e-learning. Traditional is ensured through the use of synchronous and asynchronous tools; E-learning has led to the emergence of blended learning. The article focuses on the effective formation of intercultural competence due to a wide variety of genres of online technologies. The main ones are multimedia tools, mobile applications, online courses, conferences, forums, chatbots, blog/podcast technologies. Originality. Research on the formation of intercultural competence of Bachelor Philologists in foreign language classes during distance learning. Conclusion. The use of the Internet allows you to create real conditions for intercultural communication. The absence of boundaries, time constraints, psychological risks, broad prospects for creativity and self-development, the ability to choose forms and genres of distance learning, work with authentic materials, cultural and linguistic and socio-cultural orientation of information sources are effective factors in the formation of intercultural competence of students.
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