


music therapy, pedagogy, university education of Ukraine, health-saving technologies, training.


Introduction. The article examines the introduction of music therapy into university education in Ukraine, based on foreign experience, to activate educational and intellectual activity, model a health-preserving educational environment, meet the special needs of student youth in inclusive education, and create a STEAM learning environment. The purpose of the article is a detailed analysis of the current state of the implementation of health-saving technologies and music therapy in university education in Ukraine, the implementation of foreign experience in the formation of the profession of music therapist in Ukraine, and the involvement of professional musicians in the use of music therapy in professional activities. Methods. It was analyzed that when introducing music therapy into the content of modern university education, it is necessary to adhere to the following system principles: integrity, structure, interdependence of the environment and the system. Let us emphasize that the first purpose of music therapy in an educational environment is the use of various means that facilitate the expression of emotions. In this case, the therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of non-traditional interpretation of art, as a means that makes it possible to involve students of higher education and teachers in the learning process, to encourage them to non-verbal communication.We note that, in accordance with the above, the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in the USA, European countries, in particular Ukraine, is very relevant. Results. It is noted that today Ukrainian scientists have systematized only certain aspects of scientific knowledge about music therapy, which is introduced into the content of modern university education in Europe and the USA. In this way, the leading international experience on the issue of involving student youth in music therapy classes in the world's leading universities has not been summarized, the system of measures for attracting education seekers to these classes has not been substantiated, and data on the specifics of the content of classes with music therapy tools have not been systematized. Conclusion. It has been proven that the consequence of using music therapy in the university environment should be the expression of feelings and positive changes in the behavior of education subjects during communication with others and reflection. Music therapy solves communication issues, improves motivation, attention, behavior, improves memory and the ability to learn, affects the emotional sphere of the individual.



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