


i-Tree tools, ecosystem services, professional competences, ecologists.


Introduction. In modern conditions, the anthropogenic burden on nature is approaching the limit of its environmental sustainability, which is followed by crisis and catastrophic changes in nature that negatively affect human life and society as a whole. Implementation of the concept of sustainable development of mankind is impossible without an effective system of education and upbringing of all segments of the population. In this context, the quality training of future ecologists capable of performing environmental, executive, advisory and communicative production functions with the use of the latest technologies and tools is of particular importance. Purpose. To reveal the peculiarities of using i-Tree software for the formation of professional competences of future ecologists. Methods. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical (methods of data collection and accumulation, description, development of practical recommendations). Results. The importance of understanding the value of the concept of «ecosystem services» for the formation of professional competencies of future ecologists is given. Ecosystem services are understood as all the useful resources and benefits that a person can get from nature. i-Tree software is one of the innovative approaches for evaluating ecosystem services. The list of competences in accordance with the Standard of Higher Education for Bachelor’s Degree in Ecology, which can be formed using i-Tree tools, is presented. These tools are a free and affordable software application that allows you to quantify the benefits and value of trees. Taking into account the educational potential and practical significance of the software, the possibilities of using the tools of i-Tree Eco, i-Tree - My Tree, and-Tree Canopy in the educational process have been studied. The experience of working with these tools while teaching such educational components as General Environmental Practice, Landscape and Environmental Practice, Human Ecology, Environmental Education and Culture is presented. Originality. The experience of using i-Tree tools in the formation of professional competences of future ecologists in higher education institutions of Ukraine is analysed for the first time. Conclusion. The ease and affordability of the i-Tree Eco, i-Tree-My Tree, and i-Tree Canopy tools allows to be effectively used in the educational process and to disseminate scientific knowledge about ecosystem services to various target groups.


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