future specialists, health-preserving competence, information and digital competence, interaction, integrity.Abstract
Introduction. In order to ensure professional training of a competitive future specialists in modern conditions the higher educational institution should work out and implement a personally oriented. Health-preserving and information-digital competencies are integral components of the professional competence of the future specialists, the formation of which is ensured by professional training. Purpose. Investigation of aspects of the synergy of health, safety and information-digital competencies of future specialists with the analysis of regulatory requirements savings of life and health during when used in the workplace of modern information and digital technologies enables which enables a systematic approach to professional training of a higher professional pre-higher education institution. Methods. Theoretical, empirical. Results. Health-preserving and information-digital competencies, as components of the development of modern society in the conditions of its informatization and digitization, deserve attention in matters of human life safety, safe and harmless working conditions, and the workplace equipped with technical teaching aids and screens. Issues of preserving the nation's health are the concern of modern developed countries, incorporating and implementing them in action at the school education level. The new Ukrainian school (NUS) considers the acquisition of health-preserving competence by the younger generation during the mastering of the educational material of the integrated course "Health, Safety, and Wellbeing." It also emphasizes the formation of competence in the safe use of digital technologies and devices, addressing cybersecurity issues. The research involves the analysis of existing normative values and restrictions that may pose dangers to the health preservation of students in general secondary education institutions and students of vocational pre-higher education during their work in the computer science classroom and while using technical teaching aids. Originality. A systematic approach and highlighting aspects of the synergy of health-saving and informationdigital competences the of future specialists in realization relation to the practical activity of using technical teaching aids in the conditions of an educational institution and/or at a workplace equipped with a screen device. Conclusion. The workplace of a specialist equipped with screen devices has potential risks to life safety and occupational safety. Therefore, its functioning is regulated by requirements standardized by state regulatory acts on labour protection and directly controlled by the employer. The study comprehensively highlights the aspects of the synergy of health-preserving and information-digital competencies in the training of future specialists by a higher education institution, taking into account the requirements for the workplace and its equipment. The readiness of higher education institution graduates for self-realization, formed competencies, mastery of modern informationdigital technologies, and conscious attitude towards preserving their health and the health of the other educational process participants allow them to ensure competitiveness and demand in the labour market.
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