training of specialists, future teachers of preschool education inslilulions, personality development, personal phenomenon, self-realization, culture creativityAbstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to the key issues of training future educators of preschool education institutions in today’s crisis conditions. The work of specialists regarding the introduction of innovations in the educational process of higher education institutions, the formation of the system of value attitudes of student youth, the optimization of the personal way of being, the formation of high culture, and the optimization of the process of self-realization and creativity were analyzed. Methods: theoretical: scientific analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and art literature, as well as dissertational works on the problem of current research; comparison, systematization, generalization of theoretical material in order to determine the research approach to solving the problem under study; modeling of the content and structure of culture of self-expression of future educators of preschool education institutions. Results. In particular, in the materials of the publication, the main attention is focused on the personal phenomenon – the culture of self-expression. It was determined that the formation of individual culture, the optimization of self-expression in culturally creative and socially approving forms is a key component of the personal and professional development of future preschool education specialists. The essence and content of the leading definition, the structural components of the culture of self-expression are also determined, and the optimal diagnostic methods selected for cognitive, emotional-value and behavioral components are presented, which can be used in the practice of activities of higher education institutions that train future educators of preschool education institutions; the conclusions of the research activity were made, the prospects for further scientific research were outlined. Originality. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in determination the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of self-expression culture of PEI future educators. Conclusion. Based on the results of the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and cultural literature and current legislation in the field of modern education, the relevance of the problem under study has been substantiated. The culture of self-expression of future PEI educators is qualified as an integrative personal characteristic, subjective activity, which is manifested in actions independent of external influences; the ability to organize, perform, change, control, regulate and adjust independent activity, present abilities and achievements, identify creativity, adhere to cultural norms.
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