


competence, socio-legal competence, structure of socio-legal competence, motivational component, cognitive component, activity component, reflective component, students of pedagogical specialties


Introduction. The significance of the problem of formation and development of socio-legal competence of students of pedagogical specialties is enhanced in connection with the active implementation of the competence approach in the system of educational and professional training, as well as the existing contradictions between the need to train profession8als with formed socio-legal competence and insufficient attention to its development, knitting in the theory and practice of higher pedagogical education. Purpose – to carry out a theoretical substantiation of the problem of socio-legal competence of students of pedagogical specialties. Methods – induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, classification, systematization and generalization of scientific and pedagogical literature data. Results. Socio-legal competence is considered at the personal (presupposes its presence in every person as a representative of society) and professional (presupposes its purposeful formation during the educational and professional training of future specialists in order to solve socio-legal problems in their professional activities) levels, as well as in the broad (as a component of the general life competence of a social subject) and narrow (as a component of the general educational and professional training of a future teacher) meanings. It is shown that the concept of “social and legal competence” naturally includes the categories “social competence” and The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature made it possible to interpret the social and legal competence of students of pedagogical specialties as an important and necessary component of their educational and professional training, which allows them to gain experience in using the acquired knowledge of social and legal activities for educational and professional influence on students. Originality. The functions of socio-legal activity of future teachers are highlighted, in particular: protective, coordinating, controlling, preventive, educational, legal educational. The structure of socio-legal competence of students of pedagogical specialties is proposed to be considered in the unity of the following componentscomponents: motivational – includes values, goals and motives of activity of students of pedagogical specialties in the social-legal sphere; cognitive – covers the system of knowledge of students of pedagogical specialties about the legal basis of educational and pedagogical activities and social and legal protection of education seekers; activity – contains a number of professionally significant skills of students, which are revealed during the solution of social and legal problems; reflexive – characterizes the ability to analyze and evaluate the goals, process and results of one’s professional activity in the social and legal sphere. Conclusion. The interrelationship of the components of socio-legal competence and the need for purposeful formation of each of its components at all stages of the educational and professional development of students of pedagogical specialties in a higher education institution are emphasized. The prospects for further research are the construction of a model of the formation of socio-legal competence of students of pedagogical specialties in a higher education institution and its experimental verification.


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