


national ideal, historical and theoretical research, practical training, music teacher, Mykhailo Verikivsky’s work


Introduction. The formation of a personality occurs as a result of the formation of views, beliefs, cultural values, etc. Today’s world requires the formation of national ideals – views and beliefs through which a modern young person expresses his or her own attitude to his or her nation, its language, culture, and art. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of “national ideal of future music teachers”, to present forms and methods of its formation in the process of studying the works of Mykhailo Verikivskyi. Methods. The following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematisation of literary sources, generalisation of pedagogical experience. Results. It is investigated that the concept of “national ideals of future music teachers” as national views, values, knowledge, preferences that guide historical and theoretical research and musical and creative activity of students in the field of artistic traditions of the Ukrainian people. The authors propose ways of forming national ideals of future music teachers. It is well known that the most powerful means of forming a national ideal is musical art, which is one of the most perfect forms of mastering and expressing the culture of an entire ethnic group. As an example, the article examines the personality of Mykhailo Verikivsky – Ukrainian composer, conductor, teacher, public figure, author of the first Ukrainian ballet, many operas, cantata and oratorio, vocal and instrumental works. The variants of practical mastering of the vocal-symphonic poem “Monk” by M. Verikivsky on the poems of T. Shevchenko with the aim of forming the national ideal of future teachers of music are proposed: learning the parts of the work at rehearsals in the subject “Orchestra class” and concert performances, learning the bass part in the vocal class, studying the composer’s work during the classes “History of Ukrainian and Foreign Music”, using information from previous studies on the above-mentioned subjects, as well as on the subject “History of Ukraine” during practical. The article presents historical research on the figure of Semen Paliy, one of the leaders of the liberation struggle of the Hetmanate (late seventeenth – early eighteenth centuries) on the Right Bank of Ukraine, art historical research on the writing of the poem “Monk” by Taras Shevchenko and its musical embodiment by the composer Mykhailo Verikivsky. Originality. Using historical figures of Ukrainian musical art for historical and theoretical research and practical training will help future music teachers to become interested in Ukrainian composers, understand their pedagogical influence, make sure that the work of Ukrainian artists is important, great and brilliant, and contribute to the formation of national ideals. Conclusion. The formation of national ideals of future music teachers, according to the authors of the article, is possible through historical research and theoretical generalisation of little-known information; studying the works of Ukrainian composers; research of a particular era concerning the personality of artists; using specific musical works in the course of training of higher education students.


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