technology teacher, readiness, professional activity, digital educational resources, digital technologiesAbstract
Introduction. Currently, the system of professional training of technology teachers does not ensure the proper formation of students of the appropriate level of knowledge and skills of effective use of digital educational resources in future professional activities. Therefore, scientific research aimed at identifying and scientific-theoretical substantiation of the most effective pedagogical conditions that contribute to the proper formation of students’ readiness to use digital educational resources in future professional activities becomes relevant. Purpose – to identify, research and substantiate a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the readiness of future technology teachers to use digital educational resources in their future professional activities. Methods: study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, periodical educational publications on the research problem; comparison, generalization and systematization of scientific provisions, pedagogical experience of professional training of technology teachers. Results. It has been found that the process of forming the readiness of future technology teachers to use digital educational resources in their professional activities is determined by a number of factors (pedagogical conditions) provided by a system of special measures aimed at actively involving students in working with digital learning tools and strengthening the role of the IT component in professional and pedagogical training in higher education institutions. The essence of the concept of “pedagogical condition”, which is understood as a certain circumstance of the learning process that was formed as a result of the special selection, design and application of the components of the educational process (learning content, methods and forms) in order to ensure the planned educational goals, was studied. Pedagogical conditions for the effective use of modern digital educational resources in educational practice should reflect the relationship between external (scientific and technical) characteristics and internal (psychological and pedagogical, methodical) requirements for digital learning tools, take into account the real didactic capabilities of relevant digital educational resources and their orientation to comprehensive methodical provision of professional training of future technology teachers at all its stages. Originality. A set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the readiness of future technology teachers to use digital educational resources in their future professional activities have been identified, researched and substantiated, in particular: 1) creation of an information-digital learning environment of professionally oriented disciplines in a higher education institution; 2) strengthening the IT component of professional training of students taking into account the modern capabilities of digital technologies; 3) stimulating students’ motivation to actively use digital educational resources in the process of professional and pedagogical training; 4) organization of independent activities of students using digital educational resources. Conclusion. Outlined pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the readiness of future technology teachers to use digital educational resources in future professional activities should be implemented only comprehensively. Pedagogical conditions taken separately, or their fragmentary or unsystematic implementation in the educational process, cannot guarantee the necessary pedagogical result.
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