


visualization, interactive geometric environment, GeoGebra, technical institution of higher education, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola.


Introduction. Recently, the use of various packages of computer mathematics systems to improve the efficiency of the educational process has become relevant, especially during distance learning. One of the most promising areas in the technology of higher mathematics is the introduction and development of interactive geometric environments, and, as a consequence, to identify effective ways to use them in the educational process. The use of software is especially relevant in higher mathematics classes. The above software packages help to perform calculations in a short time, allow you to build graphs of functions and three-dimensional bodies and more. Purpose. Possibilities of application of the interactive geometric environment GeoGebra for the purpose of the organization of research activity of students of technical specialties during employment in higher mathematics are considered Methods. The article substantiates the relevance of using the cognitive-visual approach in the process of teaching students of technical specialties of higher mathematics in institution of higher education, considers the essence of this approach, as well as its implementation in teaching higher mathematics using educational software products using interactive geometric environment GeoGebra Results. Possibilities of separate software products of professional and educational purpose are considered, advantages of the interactive geometrical environment GeoGebra are listed, the example of its use in the course of training of higher mathematics of students of technical institution of higher education is given, namely: possibilities of application for the purpose of organization of research activity of students. in particular, remote, and the use of second-order image curves, which allows the visualization of geometric objects under study. Also, the stages of the process of preparation for the application of the interactive geometric environment GeoGebra were identified. Originality. For the first time with students majoring in 151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, we used distance learning to study one of the problems of solving problems using the interactive geometric environment GeoGebra. Conclusion. Solving our geometric problems, performed using the interactive geometric environment GeoGebra, allows students to see not only the visual construction of geometric objects, but also to form elements of the algorithm for solving practical problems in analytical geometry and lay the foundation for calculation the length of the arc, the area of the figure, the volumes of bodies in parallel section and the body of rotation, the surface area of the body of rotation, which is discussed in the next section "Application of the definite integral". The dynamic capabilities of GeoGebra to study the change in the shape of the projections of the spatial curve when changing the parameters in the equations of surfaces. The use of GeoGebra to solve problems in the course of higher mathematics in technical free economic education increases the motivation and interest of students, creates conditions for the formation of research skills, prepares students for the effective use of ICT in their future careers.


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