


musical art, musical and speech activity, musical folklore, speech personality, speech development, the older preschool children.


Introduction. The relevance of the problem is determined by state priorities for the use of art as a powerful means of influencing the upbringing and development of children, musical art plays an important role in the formation of speech personality. Purpose. The purpose of the Article is to identify the influence of musical art on the speech development of the older preschool children. Methods. Theoretical: analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the research problem; empirical: purposeful observation of children's speech; pedagogical experiment, quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data. Results. It is determined that musical art has a valuable pedagogical potential for the development of speech by the preschool children. The relationship between musical and speech development of children is emphasized. The types of musical activities in preschool age that affect the formation of a child's speech personality and development of child’s musical and speech abilities are identified. The Article focuses on the need to use the Ukrainian musical folklore as a means of forming national and patriotic feelings of children, activating folk science vocabulary. It is established that a person-oriented approach to children humanizes the process of musical and speech activity in general and attracts preschoolers to Ukrainian musical traditions in particular, contributes to the realization of the pedagogical potential of musical art, helps to carry out a developmental impact on the child's speech personality. The importance of establishing close cooperation between the music director and the teacher of a preschool educational institution for the implementation of tasks of musical and speech development of children is emphasized. Originality. The possibilities of musical art as a means of speech development of the older preschool children are scientifically substantiated and determined. Conclusion. The influence of various types of musical activities of children (singing, listening to music, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) on the speech development of the older preschool children is proved. Prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the continuity of content and methodological support of musical and speech activity of children of senior preschool age and primary school age.


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