teachers’ certification training, ecological literacy, “Zero Waste” philosophy, training, excursion, interactive lectureAbstract
The modern stage of development of the collaboration between society and nature, as well as challenges in the Ukrainian educational environment, requires defining new strategic and tactical guides in post-graduate education. To reveal the use of the “Zero Waste” philosophy in the system of teachers’ certification training, to present the educational potential of the educational course “Development of ecological literacy of youth on the basis of the “Zero Waste” philosophy”. Methods. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical (methods of data collection and accumulation, description, development of practical recommendations). One of the effective ways of implementing innovative technologies and advanced pedagogical experience into education is organizing a system of post-graduate education for teachers. The developed and tested educational course “Development of ecological literacy of youth on the basis of the “Zero Waste” philosophy” in the system of certification training allows for effective direction of theoretical and practical innovations and increases the professional development of educators during the realization of educational aims of sustainable development. The educational course was realized in August of 2022 for the teachers of Kremenets district. An educational-thematic plan has been presented, which includes 20 hours of auditory and individual work and uncovers such topics as the potential of the “Zero Waste” philosophy for education; “EcoHub Kremenets” as a means of implementing the ecological lifestyle; the use of gaming technologies in ecological education; the formation of ecological competency by means of excursions. The article offers an analysis of the major forms of the organization of learning. The structure of an interactive lecture “The potential of the “Zero Waste” philosophy for education”, a training lesson “Facilitation of climatic games”, and an excursion lesson “Following the path of waste” have been resented. At the lessons, the major focus was made on such learning technologies as interactive, problem, collective, and group approaches, case technology, and others. It is the first time that the experience of implementing the “Zero Waste” philosophy in the system of certification training on an example of the educational course “Development of ecological literacy of youth on the basis of the “Zero Waste” philosophy” has been presented. The implementation of the “Zero Waste” philosophy in the certification training system, the use of practical cases of the ecologization of the educational environment in higher educational institutions, and the use of new educational instruments will allow for improving the quality of work with youths on forming an ecological lifestyle and implementing the principles of sustainable development in the educational environment of educational institutions.
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