


tutoring, stages of tutoring, methods of tutoring, cognitive, social, individual psychology.


Introduction. The article reveals the psychological basis of tutoring technology implemented in the contextual competence model of pedagogical master's degree. It is noted that tutoring, combining the processes of ensuring the individualisation of the educational space, relying on the formation of a conscious request of the individual for learning, the subjectivity of educational activity, is the educational technology that most successfully integrates traditional (maintaining the previous level of culture) and innovative (understanding and mechanisms for finding a new one) approaches, actualizes psychological and pedagogical knowledge, brings them to a new level of comprehension and generalization in the context of education internationalisation and the formation of an open educational environment. In these positions, the vectors of social, cultural, educational and anthropological expansion of tutoring are characterised based on the postulates of cognitive, social, individual and Gestalt psychology. The purpose of the article is to reveal the psychological basis of the tutoring technology implemented in the context-competence model of the pedagogical master's degree and the application of the tutoring methodology taking into account psychological theories and learning styles. Methods. To achieve the goal of the scientific article, the integration of methods was used: paradigmatic – to substantiate the subject field of research; structural and comparative – for the purpose of systematizing scientific literature, archival documents and comparing their content; chronological and systemic - aimed at revealing the psychological basis of the tutoring technology implemented in the context-competency model of the pedagogical master's degree. Results. The sequence of stages of tutoring activities (diagnostic and motivational, design, implementation, analytical) is commented with reference to psychological theories of attribution, leadership, psychogenic needs, cyclicality, and learning styles. The design of the tutoring methodology – «tacts of tutoring action» (creation of a rich, excessive resource educational space; observation of a person's educational and professional interests; organisation of educational needs to form a sustainable interest; development of an Individual Educational Programme together with the tutor; tutor’s support in his/her independent implementation of the IEP; joint reflection on intermediate and final results; scaling) is provided taking into account heuristic and empirical strategies. Originality. Peculiarities of supporting the tutor in his independent performance of IOP were studied; joint reflection of intermediate and final results; scaling) is provided taking into account heuristic-empirical strategies. Conclusion. Therefore, the vectors of social, cultural, educational and anthropological expansion of tutoring are supported by the postulates of cognitive, social, individual and Gestalt psychology. The sequence of stages of tutor activity (diagnostic-motivational, project, implementation, analytical) is correlated taking into account the theories of attribution, leadership, psychogenic needs, cyclicality and learning styles. The above generally motivates the deep psychological basis of the context-competency model developed and implemented by us in the pedagogical master's degree of Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University (Educational and professional program «Pedagogy of the higher school» specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences), which is being implemented by individualizing the open educational and scientific space of the university by means of tutoring – individual support for the professional growth of a future specialist – a teacher of a higher education institution.


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