preschool education, STREAM education, digital technologies, integrated approach, 21st-century skills.Abstract
Introduction. The article is dedicated to analyzing the impact of digital technologies on the development of preschool education in Ukraine, focusing on the role and significance of the STREAM education concept in the educational process of modern preschool institutions. The relevance of the research is driven by the need to develop a multifaceted, creative personality capable of adapting to changing life conditions, showing flexibility, and being ready to change in accordance with the demands of the present. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight how the use of digital tools and resources in the educational process can enhance the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Reading and Writing, Arts, and Mathematics (STREAM) in Ukrainian preschool institutions, transforming traditional play-based methods into more innovative and technology-oriented practices. Methods. A complex of general scientific methods has been used for the study. They are analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification of scientific sources. They made it possible to highlight the degree of scientific development of the problem, provided an opportunity to investigate the specific features of the implementation of STREAM education in preschool education institutions of Ukraine and the importance of digital technologies in this process. Results. Emphasizing the identification of effective methods for integrating STREAM into the education of preschool-aged children according to their age characteristics, and exploring the advantages of digital technologies such as interactive applications like Khan Academy Kids and ScratchJr, it demonstrates how digital resources can enrich the learning process, providing children with access to interactive and engaging content. This approach promotes the development of visual-imaginative thinking and practical skills, enabling children not only to acquire basic knowledge but also to develop important 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to collaborate. Applying an integrated analytical methodological approach, based on a comprehensive analysis and comparison of regulatory documents, current scientific publications, and leading research in this field, the transformation of educational approaches from STEM to STEAM and further to STREAM was analyzed, highlighting their importance in the comprehensive development of children, including the development of creative potential, interpersonal and verbal communication skills. The differences between the concepts of STEM, STEAM, and STREAM were identified; it was established that the use of interactive applications fosters children's interest in learning, stimulating their active participation and interaction in the educational process, allowing them not only to acquire basic knowledge but also to actively explore the world, asking questions and seeking answers. The scientific novelty is in substantiating the effectiveness of integrating digital technologies into preschool education in the context of STREAM education. The research points to the advantages of such an approach in forming comprehensive skills in children, including scientific thinking, technical knowledge, language literacy, creativity, and communicative abilities. This opens new perspectives for the development of preschool education, emphasizing the importance of early implementation of digital technologies in the educational process. Further research on this topic will involve developing strategies to ensure the safety of children in the online space and forming a culture of using digital technologies. Conclusions. Digital technologies are a fundamental element of modern preschool education, opening new horizons not only for the development of each child's potential but also for education in general.
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