science, higher education, paradigm, pedagogical paradigm, academic, professionally oriented, vocationally-technological, humanitarian paradigmatic directions.Abstract
Introduction. The process of higher education development in Ukraine of the XIX – beginning of XXI century in the unity of academic, professionally oriented, vocationally-technological and humanitarian paradigmatic directions is founded. Major trends and characteristics of each of them are identified. Purpose. Identify the leading trends and features of academic, professionally oriented, professionaltechnological and humanitarian paradigmatic directions of higher school development in Ukraine in the XIX – early XXI centuries. Prove that the modern humanitarian pedagogical paradigm does not cross the previous ones, but ensures their implementation at a qualitatively new level with the dominance of each subsequent one at a new stage of development of society. Methods. To achieve the goal of the scientific article, the integration of methods was used: paradigmatic – to justify the subject field of research; structural-comparative – in order to systematize the scientific literature, archival documents and compare their content; chronological and systemic – aimed at revealing trends in the development of higher education in Ukraine in the XIX – early XXI century. Results. It is proved that modern humanitarian pe dagogical paradigm does not cancel the previous paradigms, but ensures their implementation on a qualitatively new level. Originality. The development of higher education doesn`t occur in terms of leveling and replacement of existing pa radigmatic direction by another one, but in the context of their coexistence, and in the condition of each next paradigm dominance on a new stage of society development. Conclusion. At a new level of its own development, pedagogy in its purpose and content focuses on the "man of culture", the culturogenesis of the nation, the universal axiosphere. One of the main tasks of pedagogy is to "scientifically substantiate the cultural and pedagogical educational space, its content, organization, means that will provide a broad subject-subject interaction, self-development of the individual, his free selfdetermination and full self-realization. The emphasis in pedagogical interaction is transferred from the external influence on the internal self-creation of man, the self-worth of the individual. At the same time, the humanitarian pedagogical paradigm does not cross out the previous paradigmatic directions, but ensures their implementation at a qualitatively new level.
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