
  • I. V. Tsisaruk


model, modeling, professional development, future teachers of labor training and technologies.


In the article reveals the content of the structural and functional model of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology. To visualize the specific goals, ways and results of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology in the process of independent work, a modeling method was used, which is based on the principle of analogy and provides the opportunity to study a real object not directly but through consideration an object similar to it, that is, its model. The method of experimental research «pedagogical modeling» is revealed as the initial stage of process design, which involves creating conditions to achieve the goal, determining the stages and components of this process, developing strategies, forms, methods, tools, technologies of professional development and more. The structural-functional model is based primarily on the social order based on the expected results of the future teacher of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work throughout life. Given the specifics of the process of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology in the process of independent work, in our opinion, we must take into account the model of future professional activity, the structural elements of which we include taking into account the social order theoretical and methodological block (purpose, conceptual principles, methodological approaches, principles); procedural-semantic block (structural components, strategies, forms, methods, means) with an interactive development program and diagnostic-effective block (criteria, indicators, levels), focused on the preparation of future teachers of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work during life. Also, in the article defines and theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for ensuring the success and efficiency of the studied phenomenon, which ensured the continuity, efficiency and reliability of the process.


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