


neo-folklorism, composer M. Skoryk, genre, expressive tools, liturgy, cantata, psalms


The article reveals the stylistic features of choral writing and composer works of Myroslav Skoryk. Based on scientific works many musicologists generalize the individual features of the composer style in many genres in different periods of creativity of the second half of the 20’th century and in the first decade of the XXI century. A new direction “neo-folklorism” is being considered. One of the leaders in the development of modern Ukrainian music and creativity Myroslav Skoryk, who created many versions of the synthesis of folk Foundations songs using today’s musical writing. Purpose. Definition of the choral style of the late period of creativity composer Myroslav Skoryk on the example of Liturgy of St. John Zolotoustogo. A musical-theoretical analysis of the choir was carried out of the work Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by the composer Myroslav Skoryk. The crust, which reflects the filling with various harmonic mean sand a new style of writing a musical work based on canonical texts. Update of musical Ukrainian tradition, according to M. Skoryk, is the tradition of M. Lysenko, L. Revutsky, B. Lyatoshinskyi, M. Berezovskyi and others, which must be protected and to enrich with new means of expression for the embodiment of our art modernity. The composer, studying the experience of B. Bartok and I. Stravinsky, delves into rhythmic and structural features of the emerging Ukrainian folk song the foundation of the compositional technique and author’s expression reinterpretation of the song. M. Skoryk also refers to the work of S. Prokofiev, to his patterns in music, and this forms a creative evolution from complicated large-scale ones genres of early creativity to the stylistic simplicity of instrumental and choral miniatures. The article deals with choirs the composer’s works are cantatas “Spring”, “Lyudyna”, “Requiem”, psalms. Address of the Ukrainian composer to “Liturgy”. Comprehension is taking place a new approach to work with a poetic text (rejection of free the subordination of poetry to the musical idea, and the orientation is carried out on a canonical religious text that has an into national affinity with the sources Ukrainian sacred music. The article discusses stylistic features of choral writing and compositional creativity Myroslava Skoryk. In particular, the musical piece Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom to the canonical text. The form of the work consists of eighteen numbers between five litanies and has a through development and prayerful character. Each part has its own internal form, its own text and means of expression: gradual second turns, hidden, kolomyik contours and moving-transposing ones characteristic of the composer organizational structures. Cluster chords symbolize bells with harmonics accented words. So, in the last two decades, M. Skoryk revealed himself as bright choral composer and made a significant contribution to the national spiritual tradition music.


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